Getting Kids Excited About Brushing and Flossing
There are certainly easier things do to than getting kids excited about brushing and flossing. Quantum physics for example. But its not as impossible as it sounds. The trick is to find the right balance between fun and function. They have to brush and floss, but helping them have a little fun along the way will brighten both of your smiles.
Don’t think brushing can be fun for a kid? They these quick tips for getting your kids excited about oral health.
Look for ways to get your kids involved in their oral health. This can be as simple as letting them pick out their own toothbrush and toothpaste, or having them help make an appointment to come see me for a cleaning at Monarch Dental. Giving them some ownership in there oral health can help make them feel like its their choice instead of your directive.
When you feel it is appropriate, let them try their hand at brushing and flossing on their own and praise them for their good efforts. Although a three-year-old may not have the fine motor skills to properly clean his or her own teeth, you can let them practice and help them finish up the areas they miss. Use a musical toothbrush that plays music from your child’s favorite show. You can often find these at a grocery or pharmacy, and the music is timed to the appropriate amount of time for a proper brushing. Want more tips? Stop by Monarch Dental!