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Ortho & Braces

Why Every Young Adult Needs Invisalign

How Does Invisalign Work? You may be asking yourself, “How does Invisalign work?” Your favorite YouTube stars, Snapchat personalities, and Instagram influencers are always showing off their beautiful, straight smiles, yet you’ve never seen them wear a set of clunky, unattractive braces a day in their life. Although a select few might have been blessed…

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Best and Worst Summertime Foods for Braces

It’s tough enough adjusting to braces. Having to change your diet does not make it easier. But unfortunately, certain foods can damage or break the wires and brackets-not to mention hurt your teeth. Here’s the ultimate food cheat sheet for the summer season: Chewy or gooey candies (like caramels, taffy, or gummy bears)Hard candies (like…

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Retainer Care for your Kids

Last week we talked about the importance of caring for braces, so this week I want to turn our attention to caring for your retainer. If there is one thing having braces shows, it’s that teeth can move a lot. Without proper use of (and care for) your retainer, your teeth will likely shift back…

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4 Tricks for Living With Braces

It seems wearing braces is something of a rite of passage these days. In fact, 50-70% of American kids will wear braces at some point. While it’s common, adjusting to life with braces can be a challenge. Here are great ways to adapt: Avoid sticky and chewy foods. Certain foods are more challenging with braces,…

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Different Types of Orthodontic Treatments

In celebration of Orthodontic Health Awareness Month, find out how orthodontists work their magic to correct issues with misaligned jaws, teeth with gaps, or overcrowding. Orthodontists typically use temporary appliances that apply pressure and gradually move teeth, the jaw, or retrain muscles in the mouth. 1.) Fixed appliances: These are devices that are attached to…

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What to Know About Getting Braces As An Adult

Getting braces as an adult can be a big decision, especially if you’ve been thinking about having straighter teeth or fixing a bite issue. The good news is that you have several orthodontic options to make your decision easier. Instead of metal braces typically worn by kids and teens, many adults opt for a clear…

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