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Fast Ways to Cut Down Holiday Stress

Tuesday - September 20th, 2016
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We all know that holiday stress can build up, and with busy schedules it can be hard to find time for a long bath or massage. Instead, here are quick ways to reduce the stress in your day.

Meditation minute: Meditation is scientifically proven to reduce stress. Find a quiet place to sit still and try to clear your mind. If you’re not comfortable with meditation, sitting quietly and focusing on deep breathing can also help quickly reduce stress and anxiety.

Soothing surroundings: Listening to your favorite music and indulging in aromatherapy are also proven methods of reducing stress. In addition to relaxing sounds and scents, try drinking a cup of black tea. Its been shown to lower the stress-hormone cortisol.

Laugh it off: Laughter has a lot of health benefits. In addition to making you feel happier, it can also reduce pain and relieve stress. Find some time to watch a funny video or read your favorite comic strip.

Take a walk: While you may not have time to hit the gym, simply taking a quick walk can do wonders to improve your mood and melt away stress. Just 15 minutes can make a difference.
